In Recognition of ‘Stop the Bleed’ Awareness Day, MEMS to Provide 'Stop the Bleed' Training to Runyan Acres Fire Department
WHAT: May 19, 2022 is National “Stop the Bleed” awareness day, and May being “Stop the Bleed” month. In Recognition,
Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services (MEMS) will provide “Stop the Bleed” training to members of the Pulaski County Volunteer Fire Departments.
MORE: Arkansas Emergency Medical Foundation received a “Blue & You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas” grant of $2000 to provide tourniquet trauma kits to each Pulaski County Volunteer Fire Department after they have received Stop the Bleed training.
EVEN MORE: The STOP THE BLEED® Project is a public/private collaboration involving a wide range of non-profit organizations, government agencies, companies, and individuals working to create more public awareness of the STOP THE BLEED® campaign and the importance of learning how to stop traumatic bleeding. This year, STOP THE BLEED® Day is May 19, 2022 (Save a Life Day during EMS Week).
WHEN: May 19, 2022 7 p.m.
WHERE: Runyan Acres Fire Department 1809 Batesville Pike, Sherwood, AR, 72120
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contactBob Hunthrop, MEMS- Responder Liaison, 501-772-1560 or Runyan Acres Fire Department Fire Chief Ken Partridge at 501-749-3621.
About MEMS MEMS is a public, non-profit entity, and is governed by the Little Rock Ambulance Authority (LRAA). Serving Pulaski and Grant Counties and the cities of Maumelle, Sherwood, and Cabot, MEMS covers approximately 1,800 square miles and more than 400,000 people. Since 2004, MEMS has been accredited with the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) which signifies a “Gold Standard” in emergency medical service providers.
MEMS is committed to providing quick and accurate responses to your inquiries about your billing statement or any other questions that you might have regarding your bill. Please contact our billing office, Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm at 501.301.1403.
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